Resitu: minimally invasive surgical technology

Helping us establish the Resitu technology – Investors

With support from our investors, the Resitu technology has the potential to become the globally preferred method to manage breast cancer.

Based on an invention by surgeon Per Hedén

The Resitu technology for minimally invasive surgery is built on a patented invention by surgeon Per Hedén. The first product under development has the potential to establish the Resitu technology as the preferred method to remove small lesions of the breast.

Preparing for launch

Resitu Medical plans to launch the first product in the EU and the US. The first line of products will focus on biopsy and breast tissue removal. Preclinical studies and preparations for FDA clearance and CE marking of the first instrument are ongoing.

Major shareholders

In 2021-2022 Resitu Medical raised seed capital to reach the final product design and to start serial production to perform clinical trials towards CE mark and FDA clearance for our first product. Our major shareholders are Novoaim, ALMI Invest Stockholm and STOAF.

Upcoming rounds

We will unveil details about upcoming rounds as soon as we initiate them. Stay tuned for the latest announcements!